If you believe in SOPHIA’s mission and wish to help us advance it, we welcome your contributions! Remember, SOPHIA is an incorporated nonprofit organization, so your gifts are tax deductible.
Presently, there are four ways to donate:
NEW!: We now have a “Donate” button on our SOPHIA Facebook page! Facebook charges nonprofits no fees for the transaction even for the credit card processing, which is rare, so the full amount of your contribution goes to SOPHIA. You can choose a one-time donation or you can offer a recurring donation, up to you.
- Membership Giving. If you are looking to make a larger contribution to SOPHIA, our society memberships include three levels. In joining, any of the three levels can contribute to SOPHIA beyond the membership dues rate. For gifts over $250, we encourage you to join as a “Sustaining member.” That level of membership includes SOPHIA dues at the regular rate of $25 and makes a $225 contribution to the society for a total of $250. In addition, you can use a pull-down menu to make a larger contribution to SOPHIA. We may create additional membership levels as needed and if donors would welcome such recognition. So, if you’d like to contribute, JOIN US (details about donating this way are presented after you select a membership level).
- Online campaigns. SOPHIA may from time to time run online fundraising campaigns to support our activities. “Like” us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter to hear about our campaigns when we run them.
Swag. One way to give to SOPHIA can be done via our CafePress store, where on each item purchased, shoppers make a $5 contribution to SOPHIA. You can order a t-shirt, coffee mug, or messenger bag, among other items.
- Contact the Executive Director. Reach out with any comments, questions, or suggestions you have about fundraising for SOPHIA. Any checks should be made out to:
The Society of Philosophers in America
c/o Dr. Eric Thomas Weber
P.O. Box 21932
Lexington, KY 40522-1932
If you are not already a member, please specify whether you are interested in membership. If you are, the membership portion of your donation will decrease by just that amount how much you can count as tax deductible. It’s up to you, but we encourage you to become a member if you’re interested in helping SOPHIA to grow!