As we in SOPHIA prepare for an online philosophical discussion about “trigger warnings,” we thought some of you may enjoy hearing a talk by Dr. Shane Courtland, SOPHIA’s Communications Officer. He’ll be one of our facilitators for the conversation, along with Dr. Bertha Manninen. We are also working on possibilities for invited participants, and will share more information when it it available. This talk is Dr. Courtland’s “Last Lecture,” titled “The Importance of Tolerating Offense,” which he gave at the University of Minnesota Duluth before he moved from there to West Virginia University. If you get a chance, listen to his talk via YouTube (FYI, it is a sound recording only).
UPDATE: You can also follow along with Dr. Courtland’s slides for the talk here:
SOPHIA Business Meeting reminder: 9/9/16 @ 5pm Eastern
1) SOPHIA panels – planned and future
2) radio show and podcast
3) chapter recognition and building needs
4) leveraging video: a) video conferencing business meetings? b) intro videos & other online community building; c) online video conference/symposium
5) funding opportunity and other $ plans
6) recognition/awards for engaged philosophers and community building?
7) Procedures for updates
8) Reminders
9) Other thoughts/needs?
If you are interested in joining the meeting but have not received detailed instructions for joining it, email us at
Two SOPHIA members have independently suggested that we hold a discussion on the topic of “trigger warnings.” Remember that SOPHIA discussions generally begin with a very short text (whether written, audio, or video), which can help spark the discussion. It also allows us all to be literally on the same page as we begin our discussions. Both Trustee Dr. Bertha Manninen and member Dr. Annie Davis Weber have suggested that we have a discussion on “trigger warnings,” and both of them independently suggested that we use the University of Chicago letter on the subject, which has been in the news recently.
If you would be interested in participating in an online video conference discussion on this topic, whether or not you’re a member of SOPHIA, and whether or not you’ve ever studied any philosophy, you can comment below, email us, or let us know on Facebook or on Twitter. In addition, reach out to us if you have ideas about other topics that you think would be rewarding to talk about in a SOPHIA group meeting, whether with a local group, at a national event, or via an online video conference call.
Of course, if you are interested and have not yet officially joined or renewed your membership in SOPHIA, you can do so here.
The Society of Philosophers in America is proud to celebrate our Trustee Emeritus, Dr. John J. McDermott, who has been named one of the 50 most influential living philosophers.
In recognizing Professor McDermott, the list’s authors wrote the following:
John McDermott received his Ph.D. in philosophy from Fordham University, in New York City, in 1959, and, though he is getting up in his years, is still teaching, holding the position of University Distinguished Professor of Philosophy and Humanities at Texas A&M University. McDermott’s work is primarily focused on the philosophy ofculture, specifically American literature and philosophy, having written, compiled, or contributed to books on William James, Josiah Royce, and John Dewey, as well as being a former President of the William James Society. McDermott is most notable for, and has been most influential in exploring and advancing the ideas of James and Dewey in relation to American culture, as well as his examination of American culture through philosophy.
Congratulations, John! And thank you for all you’ve done for American philosophy and for SOPHIA!
SOPHIA is excited to have the interest of The Public Philosophy Journal to consider publishing our 2016 panel members’ papers from our event held at the Eastern Division meeting of the American Philosophical Association. In reviewing some details about the panel, we found this link to the OUP blog, which was great to see. As the process progresses for submitting the papers to the PPJ, we will keep you posted.
The panel was titled: “The Obligations of Philosophers.”
Also, if you haven’t checked out The Public Philosophy Journal, what are you waiting for? Seriously, they’ve got an awesome logo & they are experimenting with tools and processes that may revolutionize the way scholars review work, publish, and engage the wider public.
The panel was titled: “The Obligations of Philosophers.”
Also, if you haven’t checked out The Public Philosophy Journal, what are you waiting for? Seriously, they’ve got an awesome logo & they are experimenting with tools and processes that may revolutionize the way scholars review work, publish, and engage the wider public.